
Welcome to Cracked Stone Photography! This site is the repository and chronicle for the life and adventures of Jeff Blockwick. Please browse the photographs and enjoy! If you desire any prints, please email me at cracked.stone@gmail.com with the name of the photograph and dimensions. All images Copyrighted to Cracked Stone Photography and Jeffrey Blockwick

Thank you for visiting my site and i hope you enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Yesterday, A few friends and I took the train to a town in Kumamoto Prefecture called Yatsushiro to see their annual fireworks competition. It was far and away the best fireworks display i have ever seen. First of all, there were 13000 fireworks and over 30,000 people. Second, there were so many different fireworks routines, some of which had music, and all of which were very cool! The Japanese word for fireworks is Hanabi (花火) which means fire flower. Last night was my first time photographing fireworks and after doing so, i have found the name to be completely and 100% accurate. Most of the pictures i took with a 4 second shutter speed to give the fireworks time to bloom and usually i caught the rocket as it went up. a combination of these made the fireworks look like large, brightly colored dandelions or other flowers.


Sunday, October 9, 2011


Next update time! it's so exciting!

This week, there was the autumnal festival at 熊本城, Kumamoto Jyou, which is the castle here. i got some very cool pictures at night of the candles that they had out and had a blast at dinner and karaoke with some friends. Classes here carried on as usual, with a plus being that i joined the aikido club, making that the second one that i am in. next week, i hope to join the photography club. so many clubs! anyways, japan continues to be awesome and the other day, i bowled my personal best of 137 while out with friends!

Last weekend, i went to a festival of sorts at the castle, part of the autumnal festival where we met kumamon, the city mascot and i was on the news with another ryugakusei talking about it. we learned the kumamon dance as well. it was a lot of fun and i got to hear a japanese band play the final countdown. here is the kumamoto surprise song and dance that we did :  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBBZop5j6D0&feature=mh_lolz&list=FL6tN1rLLJKdrtQpKnQODrGg

damn strait.

my ukulele playing is also getting better, it has gotten a lot easier to transfer between the chords in songs and i know most derivations of the major chords, which is exciting. also, i am almost done buying omiyage, souvenirs for people in america, which is exciting as well.

that does it for the update!

picture time!!